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This function downloads precomputed expected points data from the ffopportunity automated releases.


  season = nflreadr::most_recent_season(),
  type = c("weekly", "pbp_pass", "pbp_rush"),
  version = c("latest", "v1.0.0")



A numeric vector of four digit years associated with given NFL seasons - defaults to latest season.


Data type - one of "weekly", "pbp_pass", or "pbp_rush"


EP model version: one of "latest" (default) or "v1.0.0" - these are currently identical.


a dataframe identical to what would be returned by ffopportunity::ep_build() for a given season.

See also

Other main: ep_build()


# \donttest{
  ep_load() %>% head(10)
  ep_load(2020:2021) %>% head(10)
  ep_load(2021, type = "pbp_pass") %>% head(10)
  ep_load(2006, type = "pbp_rush", version = "v1.0.0") %>% head(10)
#> → <ffopportunity predictions>
#> → Generated 2022-10-17 09:56:37 with ep model version "v1.0.0"
#> # A tibble: 10 × 47
#>    game_id play_id desc  rushe…¹ full_…² posteam two_p…³ two_p…⁴ rush_…⁵ first…⁶
#>    <chr>     <dbl> <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 2006_0…      58 (14:… 00-000… Warric… ATL           0       0       1       0
#>  2 2006_0…      80 (14:… 00-000… Warric… ATL           0       0       1       0
#>  3 2006_0…     183 (12:… 00-000… Warric… ATL           0       0       1       1
#>  4 2006_0…     227 (11:… 00-000… Warric… ATL           0       0       1       0
#>  5 2006_0…     336 (10:… 00-002… DeShau… CAR           0       0       1       0
#>  6 2006_0…     406 (8:5… 00-002… DeShau… CAR           0       0       1       1
#>  7 2006_0…     625 (6:2… 00-000… Warric… ATL           0       0       1       1
#>  8 2006_0…     647 (5:4… 00-002… Mike V… ATL           0       0       1       1
#>  9 2006_0…     674 (5:1… 00-000… Warric… ATL           0       0       1       0
#> 10 2006_0…     696 (4:3… 00-000… Warric… ATL           0       0       1       1
#> # … with 37 more variables: fumble_lost <dbl>, season <dbl>, week <int>,
#> #   rushing_yards <dbl>, rush_touchdown <fct>, first_down <fct>,
#> #   posteam_type <chr>, run_location <chr>, run_gap <chr>, run_gap_dir <chr>,
#> #   surface <chr>, wind <int>, temp <int>, roof <chr>, position <chr>,
#> #   yardline_100 <dbl>, half_seconds_remaining <dbl>,
#> #   game_seconds_remaining <dbl>, fixed_drive <dbl>, era <chr>, xpass <dbl>,
#> #   qtr <fct>, down <fct>, goal_to_go <fct>, ydstogo <dbl>, shotgun <fct>, …
# }